Online Business Directory
Guyana’s only reliable, high-speed, soy-free, user-centric, eco-friendly online business directory
A new way to search
No more waiting for slow websites. With BuyInGuyana, the businesses are provided to you through the some of the fastest web technologies and techniques. We use a static site generator and a static search library to deliver the best user experience while conserving bandwidth - this is especially important in places where internet connection is poor.
Focused on customers
Customers want information on businesses without all the noise of bloated web pages and unnecessary page elements. BuyInGuyana brings you the information you need without the execution overhead. We aren’t joking when we say our business directory is fast and reliable.
Design thinking to the rescue
BuyInGuyana presents the information that users need. From its initial conceptualization to the various implementations we have put the directory through, we have always asked what do customers need in order to interact meaningfully with businesses.
The change begins with us
If there is no conscious effort to improve the landscape of services helping Guyanese businesses to thrive then there is a risk that foreign bodies and bad actors will exploit the local talent we have.